Greetings from the girl in her pajamas. I am currently sporting a pair of grey sweatpants and a faded purple Laker tee shirt. It’s day one of the 2020 NBA playoffs and I am enjoying the Lakers try to keep up with the Portland Trailblazers with my two lovely daughters. I haven’t seen my girls in two weeks since an exposure to covid by their stepbrother kept them quarantined at their fathers house the past two weeks. As some of you know I spent the bulk of those lonely days online attempting to entertain you all. I worked a lot more than I am normally able to with the girls at home. So, this is my first night off in a while and can I tell you a secret?I miss you all already! I miss my lingerie, my make up, and my collection of sex toys. But most of all I miss your company! I miss you telling me I am pretty and laughing at my jokes. I love my girls and I am so happy they are home but I will be tickled to drop them off with dad tomorrow so I can return to the chat room and continue to flirt my feminist agenda gently into your macho male psych. Don’t worry you wont feel a thing , you’re in good hands! See you tomorrow lovers.KissesJosie Cats