Ember Ishtar: Emberspoor Bladder…

After not feeling well I had to go to the Dr today, and found out I have a bladder infection, so I’m not going to be on tonight. I will be on tomorrow with some show restrictions. I miss you guys, but for tonight this little ember needs to rest, My flirt phone is on so feel free to call if you nee some dirty talk to help you release that load XO Sweet dreams for now Dream big

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Ember Ishtar: Emberspoor Bladder… was last modified: March 19th, 2018 by
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Ember Ishtar: Emberspoor Bladder…

After not feeling well I had to go to the Dr today, and found out I have a bladder infection, so I’m not going to be on tonight. I will be on tomorrow with some show restrictions. I miss you guys, but for tonight this little ember needs to rest, My flirt phone is on so feel free to call if you nee some dirty talk to help you release that load XO Sweet dreams for now Dream big

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Ember Ishtar: Emberspoor Bladder… was last modified: March 19th, 2018 by
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