Since I’ve been practicing this social distancing thing, I’ve started going a little crazy but its also given me a lot of time to think about what I’m going to write on here for you guys. I know that some of my blogs may be a little on the boring side to some of you but I’ll try my best to keep things interesting while I’m trying to give you all a little insight in to my life.Although my career in the salons wasn’t the first job I was interested in fulling, it has definitely become the thing I am extremely passionate about. As I said in my first blog, I graduated at the young age of 16. it was at that time that I started my first job as a CNA and went to EMT school when I was 17. Both of these things I was very passionate about. I loved helping people and I took great pride in my work. After a two years in the medical field the lost lives of people really started weighing on me emotionally and it was hard when things didn’t always turn out the way I hoped for. It has always been a passion of mine to help people, I grew up with two disabled siblings and I this is really what it stems from I think. After taking some steps in moving to my career to the salon industry I started becoming a reputable salon connoisseur! I started as a receptionist in a high-end nail salon in Dallas, making my way up to manager in just 4 short months. The owner of this salon wanted to open another in Dallas and asked me to shadow him in the supervision of the start up process so later down the road I could do this on my own when he decided to open another. After 6 moths of that salon up and running smoothly, my boss decided to start the process to open another location in Austin. This became something I was very good at, and honestly, the money wasn’t bad either!I relocated to Austin for 3/4 of the year to get this salon up and running. By this time I have just barely turned 19 years old. I’d say it was pretty impressive to accomplish running three salons and starting up two! This started a chain of events for me, getting in to contact with other salon owners who heard about my hard work and ambitious reputation, since then I have opened up and side-managed 11 salons for 4 different owners. Its been a dream of mine to open my own someday in the near future and I don’t think its going to be much further down the road until I make that dream come true.Being on the front line of caring for peoples lives might not have been the right thing for me emotionally but I have found a love in caring for peoples businesses, and the customers in it. Its a joy of mine knowing that our customers leave the salons feeling great about their service and that the owners have a piece of mind knowing their salon is in good hands. So who wants to help me save to open my very first self owned salon?!Love you guys! Thanks for tuning in!XOXO,Tera Skye