The effect of tickling the brain

In humans, particularly the "Gargalesis " stimulates laughter, one of our most complex and unknown answers, but we know that laughter stimulates all participants in a game or similar situation.Tickle causes an extreme response in areas of the body that are not directly related to the sensitivity of the skin. If so, the palms would be our most vulnerable; However, what are the armpits, soles of the feet or less expected parts.We know that the human brain is better able to follow the movement itself and is useful to know where the hand or leg at a given time. Why do you think that excitement always include the surprise factor, or not knowing where the feeling comes. For this reason, become self tickles does not work: you know where you are going to play and tickling related brain activity decays when one tries to provoke, which also shows that follow their own sensory way.The truth is that the monitoring electrodes implanted in the brain of rats has enabled researchers to identify the brain region that activates the natural reflex to what is known as tingling. And although it is a feeling that everything experienced (Aristotle and reflected on them more than two thousand years ago and Darwin were asked about their reasons), today even researchers still have a long list of unanswered questions about this strange behavior.Scientists also observe the behavior of rats could control what happens in the brain when tingling and the results showed that groups of neurons fire in the somatosensory cortex. This is not surprising, since it is the main region of the brain that integrates tactile stimuli.

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The effect of tickling the brain was last modified: October 21st, 2019 by Flirt4Free Webcam Blog
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